Dear Death Doula:

Dear friend, I believe there is a way to build a sustainable business as a death doula but I'm not fully there yet either. My strategy is to plan realistically, build flexibly and work diligently and patiently. My connection to Death keeps my practice in integrity and alignment with my calling, which I'm learning is key.

My business is divided into 3 components: Farewell Fellowship’s in-person death midwifery, Farewell Library’s virtual mentorship & death literacy and Farewell Apothecary’s herbal products. My capacity to perform in-person death midwifery is limited to 2 clients at a time so I’ve had to build other options, such as workshops, mentorship, book reviews and products. My ideal revenue sheet (at full capacity) would look like this:

Weekly in-person visits (2x @ $125/90-min home visit) = $250/wk
Weekly virtual mentorship meetings (2x @ $100/90-min Zoom) = $200/wk
1 Weekly in-person event or virtual workshop ($250-$350) = $300/wk
2 Book Reviews/Speaking engagements ($50/30min) = $50/wk
One-Time Sales (Advance Care Plan, Vigil/Respite Care, Bereavement Gift Basket, etc.) = $350/wk
Total Revenue (full capacity): $1150/wk

My time/energy is directed at building my services via community connections (for death midwifery/events), social media (mentorship and workshops), collaboration (speaking engagements), reviewing books and creating products. Ideally, my "work" energy is targeted at cultivating these services and reaching those who want them.

Currently, I’m at about 60% of my capacity and working a little more than part time. Of course, it’s cyclical work - particularly my in-person death midwifery.

I hope it will be possible to work full-time for a sustainable wage but it may take as much business acumen as calling. That’s why I started the business club … DM to join in developing the business side of your practice in a small-group. Always a free spot available.

*Full disclosure: I have a Marketing degree (LSU) & business background. Also, I began my practice while a stay-at-home mom so I want to acknowledge the privileges of both.

#deathdoula #business #entrepreneur #advice #deardeathdoula #deathwork #realtalk💯 #sustainablebusiness


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