Resources for Mortals

Farewell Library is a virtual resource hub for all things death and grief, from book reviews to podcasts to death education.

Explore the full Farewell Library Blog here.

Morbidly Curious Historical Figures

“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.”

— Toni Morrison, American Author

6 Picks to Grow Death Literacy for Teens

As the mother of two teenagers and a book addict myself, our dinner table conversations sound like a death & grief focused book club. These 6 picks have been vetted by actual teenagers and a mom who specializes in death literate and grief aware fiction.

Farewell Library has partnered with Bevival, a death literacy platform, to reach a wider audience. Bevival (being + revival) is a content platform for the living who want to acquire foundational knowledge about death, long before the end. Read Jade’s book reviews hosting at Bevival by clicking below.

Exit Interviews Podcast

Listen to Jade interview popular authors writing about death and grief in our modern world. The Exit Interview Podcast is a monthly production by death literacy platform Bevival that encourages death literate and grief aware conversations.

In Defense of Romantic Fiction & Why It’s Perfect for Grievers

Plus six of Jade’s favorite romantic fiction recommendations, with reviews.

Jade loves to create content about death literacy. See all Jade’s content on IG @the.farewell.library.