Farewell Education offers comprehensive death doula training, mentorship, and apprenticeship to pass down this sacred tradition with transparency, reverence, and care.
Explore Farewell Education’s website here.
Virtual Courses
These courses are designed to be easily accessible - virtual offerings that anyone can join on an as needed basis, death doulas, individuals approaching end-of-life, and caregivers.
Many death doulas have completed formal training but lack confidence is building their hands-on practice. Mentorship is a coaching tool to help you design the offering you are called to offer.
The comprehensive apprenticeship is a complete death doula training program, including coursework, one-on-one, in-person instruction, and hands-on tool demonstrations in our local community.
Death Doula Dialogues is a monthly event that gathers local end-of-life workers & death-curious folks in community to showcase the offerings of our local practitioners. Each event is hosted by a different death or grief practitioner to offer collaborative education on their unique skills to better serve our entire community.

Exit Interviews Podcast
Jade partners with death literacy platform Bevival as host of their monthly podcast, Exit Interviews. Through engaging and welcoming conversations with authors, we can contemplate life’s deepest questions, long before the end.
Get in touch.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Just reach out and the virtual assistant for Farewell Education will point you in the right direction.